As of January 2025, the average rent in Palm Coast, Florida, stands at $1,468 per month, which is approximately 6% below the national average of $1,554. This figure represents a 4.3% increase from the previous year, translating to an additional $63 per month for renters.

When broken down by unit size, one-bedroom apartments average $1,468 per month with an average size of 787 square feet. Two-bedroom units are around $1,632 per month, offering about 1,106 square feet, while three-bedroom apartments average $1,955 per month with approximately 1,254 square feet of space.
In comparison to other Florida cities, Palm Coast offers relatively affordable rental options. For instance, in Miami, the average monthly rent is $2,377, and in Tampa, it's $1,827. This makes Palm Coast an attractive option for those seeking more budget-friendly living arrangements within the state.
The city's growing popularity is evident, with Flagler County, where Palm Coast is located, welcoming one million overnight visitors in 2022. This influx has contributed to a steady demand for rental properties.

Given the current rental rates and the city's amenities, now appears to be a favorable time to rent in Palm Coast. The area's affordability, combined with its coastal charm and recreational opportunities, makes it an appealing choice for prospective renters.
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